Introduction There are two types of modifiers in Java: access modifiers and non-access modifiers. The access modifiers in Java specifies the accessibility or scope of a field, method, constructor, or class. We can change the access level of fields, constructors, methods, and class by applying the access modifier on it. There are four types of Java access modifiers: 1. Private: The access level of a private modifier is only within the class. It cannot be accessed from outside the class. 2. Default: The access level of a default modifier is only within the package. It cannot be accessed from outside the package. If you do not specify any access level, it will be the default. 3. Protected: The access level of a protected modifier is within the package and outside the package through child class. If you do not make the child class, it cannot be accessed from outside the package. 4. Public: The access level of a public modifier is everywhere. It can be accessed from within the clas...
Introduction A java package is a group of similar types of classes, interfaces and sub-packages. Package in java can be categorized in two form, built-in package and user-defined package. There are many built-in packages such as java, lang, awt, javax, swing, net, io, util, sql etc. Here, we will have the detailed learning of creating and using user-defined packages. Simple example of java package The package keyword is used to create a package in java. //save as package mypack; public class Simple{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Welcome to package"); } } How to access package from another package? There are three ways to access the package from outside the package. 1. import package.*; 2. import package.classname; 3. fully qualified name. 1. Using packagename.* If you use package.* the...